Giving a voice to parent carers of children and young people with SEND and working towards positive change
Recognised by the Department for Education, Ofsted and CQC, South Glos Parent Carers (SGPC) are a community-based forum gathering valuable information and feedback on local services, family needs and topical issues from parent carers of children and young people with SEND in South Gloucestershire.
And you too can gain access to all of this information by joining our Associates Database >
This carefully collated information could transform the way in which you deliver improved services in the area... It is our belief that having the users’ feedback to shape strategic decision-making helps to bring children, parent carers and services together to form a shared vision, make a difference and bring about effective change.
This idea of co-production is at the heart of our work at SGPC; that the people who use a service are those best placed to help design it, review it and improve it.
Co-production is not about asking for service users’ views on a piece of completed work; it is about working together, right from the start.
Who we are and what we do
SGPC is a respected, professional Community Interest Company (CIC) working to represent nearly 3,000 local parent carers. A highly skilled team, we are all parent carers ourselves and, underpinned by the lived experiences of our parent carer community, have a unique level of SEND knowledge that is an invaluable asset to every co-production project.
SGPC work collaboratively by:
running engagement activities for our local parent carer community, eg. school coffee mornings, early years stay and play sessions, SEND themed workshops, online and peer-to-peer support, and a drop-in community base
capturing lived experiences through feedback and surveys
feeding back our information to service providers and stakeholders at SEND meetings
providing qualitative and quantitative data that helps shape services that work for the end users
Why engage with SGPC?
SGPC provides you with a unique insight into:
the lived experiences of service users
where to focus strategic reviews
what changes and developments can make a positive difference
trends revealed by our annual surveys
But it goes far beyond that…
Working co-productively to shape services is how we can help enable children and young people to reach their full potential in every way possible – whether that be health goals, social experiences, or educational aspirations.
Join our Associates database to get information at your fingertips. This invaluable FREE resource will allow you to:
Hear the voices of parent carers first-hand and get survey results mailed straight to your inbox
Connect with your service users via our engagement sessions
Tell us about information you need to share with your parent carer community
What happens next?
Join our Associates database to get information at your fingertips. This invaluable FREE resource will allow you to:
Hear the voices of parent carers first-hand and get survey results mailed straight to your inbox
Tell us about information you need to share with your parent carer community
Connect with your service users via our engagement sessions
A vital link between you and your client base
You can also commission our services to help support your research needs.
Email us giving your name, company and area of work that you are interested in:
Education, Health, Social Care or Other
For more information
For details on each of our service sectors please follow the links below: